Newsletter 2018/01 (31st January 2018)
It’s the time of year when thoughts turn to the next bowling seasons fixtures, this year I have had several “home” match clashes to sort out, as we all know 2 teams at home just don’t fit on Cali. Sorting out with clubs is slow process sometimes, most opposition clubs are helpful and I should have everything unravelled shortly. When completed I will be able to publish a provisional fixture list on our website. Talking of which, just a day or so ago I gave the site its yearly general update, contact info, committee members, etc. and some provisional important dates for your diary
Over the winter our green has recovered very well from the rigors of last season, Mick is please with how it looks for the time of year and he should be rightly proud of its condition. Some general maintenance has been undertaken around the green & pavilion over the winter and we must be thankful for not only Mick’s input, but Dave Salmon as well. We had the usual fence panel issues after one especially strong winter storm, but this is also in the process of being sorted. We could do with a few more advertising boards round the green, so come on speak to the boss or perhaps you are the boss, see what can be done for a few pounds, if anyone could help out please speak to Secretary John.
Later in February all members will get their annual pre season letter, packed with info, a club competition entry form and a list of what you owe by way of subscription & county competition fees, you are reminded these are due by 31st March.
We have our fund raising quiz coming up on 25th March at 7.30pm, as always I would urge members to come along and support the event, teams can be 4 – 6 members and guests can mix and match, questions vary in difficulty, there is something for everyone it’s just a fun evening. A entry list will be displayed in the social club shortly, so come on let us have a bumper turn out of members and bring plenty of guests along!!.
Sadly the final part of this newsletter concerns one member who was with us last year and one well known former member, who have passed away since my last scribbling. Firstly Colin Ambrose who had been an enthusiastic member for several seasons having taken up bowls later in life and secondly Ginger Catchpole, whom many long term members will have known from the late 70’s right through to 2007. Ginger was character and well known in bowling circles, he was a valued member of the club and also represented Suffolk for a time. Winning a county title (SCBA Triples) in 1986, which was a fore runner to the clubs county success over the next 3 decades. Both will be sadly missed.
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/02 (27th April 2018)
Is it my imagination or did winter move to summer missing spring and then on to autumn all in between the 15th and 26th of April, weathers go mad! All that said we did have excellent weather for our opening day Triples and although a bit chilly also for the A v B game. Opening day saw 27 play in the Triples which is about the norm, although many more did collect their paperwork, so all in all a decent start to the season, as for the A v B, 26 participated in the bowling and about 30 enjoyed the hot refreshments which were provided, thanks to Margaret, Di & Joyce. Over the 2 events our 2 new members both played so welcome Barry Welham & Colin Girling, trust you enjoy your bowls at the Cali.
We now move on to the hectic start to the league & cup program, one issue to sort was that Mal Walker who had offered to captain both Samford evening & afternoon teams has decide not to play, so 2 captains were needed to be found. I was more than gratefully that the 2 members I approached both accepted without any twisting of arms, bribes or threats. Dennis Addison & Jim Craig agreed to look after the Samford Monday Evening and Afternoon teams respectively, we wish them luck.
This year’s draws in the major cups has been none to kind, away in all bar the Norton which is played home & away anyway v Hadleigh, and the aways trips are tough ones with visits to Stone Lodge, Ipswich & Dist, Beccles, Bungay, Felixstowe & Suffolk and Roundwood. We have fixed one Stan Wright v Hadleigh (24th June), but the other v Ipswich Hospitals is still to be sorted, that leaves the 2 Samford cups where we meet Bealings (KO Cup) & Shotley Rose (Millennium).
Just a reminder to all concerned all Ipswich Fed league games start at 6.45pm, don’t let anybody try to tell you otherwise it’s defiantly not 6.30pm! Bowls England League and Fed Cups games are 6.30pm start. It’s always a source of annoyance, you’ve struggles to make it from work for 6.45pm, you walk in 6.40pm and some plonker shouts “your late!” don’t let that plonker be you!
Club Directory’s, a couple of changes requested by our opposition to report, which occurred after the handbook went to print. As follows :- (i) Mixed Fours League California will now be at home to Ipswich & District BC on 25th May with the return away at Ipswich & District on 13th July, i.e. a straight swap home for away, change requested by I&D
(ii). Stan Wright ‘A’ v Hadleigh was arranged for Sunday 24th June, but at their request changed to Thursday 28th June at 6.30pm, still 2 rinks home & 2 away.
Lastly thanks as usual to Mick for the excellent state of our green considering the very harsh winter we had, in addition thanks to Sammo for all his work and to Joyce Love, Andy Newland & Ray Whitman for their help. Again as members we should not under estimate the work theses people do along with the group to members who have again agreed to be on our work rota, which is a great help in keeping the place spick and span
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/03 (6th June 2018)
Having opened our green with the usual club Triples, we then held the ‘A’ v ‘B’ with a good turn out on a cool evening, but with hot food provided by Di, Margaret & Joyce so it was not all bad for those who attended. On sad note to report after that evening a long serving member in Billy Catchpole, played but decided the next morning to call it a day as far as bowls is concerned. Billy said he suffered overnight and in the morning for his efforts the previous evening, too many parts ached!, it was just not worth it. Sadly it’s just another link with the clubs past not bowling any more, all the best to Bill from the Cali members.
The following week saw the start of league play, the weather was foul, 2 games rained off, but they both could have easily been “frozen off”, the wind was in the North to East quadrant and that basically where it’s been ever since, so apart from a few days you know the evenings will be cold. In addition there have been some very heavy showers about, but for most part they have avoided California, this just adds to the problems with the green. If the green is too dry and there is no way you can carry out essential scarifying work, this has lead to the green being heavier than is the norm for Cali. This in turn has lead in part to a very poor home record, it was the 22nd of May when a team other than the Mixed Fours (2 wins) won at home which was the 12th attempt. Thankfully since then matters have improved, contrary to this the away form of Gary’s ‘A’ team has been special, with wins at Norbridge, Marlborough in the league and Stone Lodge in the Senior Cup where we now meet Norbridge at home, let’s hope the upturn in home form continues!. Chris’s Fed Triples & Keith ‘B’ teams have had some decent results, especially in the Junior Cup, with wins at Ipswich & District and a very good home win v Norbridge, where we now meet Sproughton, a club whom we have already “turned over” in the league and a win here would see us through into the Area final. Both Samford teams thus far have struggled, Jim’s Samford afternoon crew have had some difficult away fixtures at Felixstowe & Walton and “on the plastic” at Felixstowe, whilst Dennis’s Monday evening team have also had some tough games. Turning to BE matters our Men’s league team lost their first 3 games all at home (unheard of), but a couple of wins of late have somewhat improved matters, but we can’t afford many more slip ups if we are to get into the top 2 places to qualify for the semi finals, thankfully in the cups it’s been a better story. 100% cup victories, 2 in the BEF see us into the quarter finals where we meet Felixstowe & Suffolk at Margaret Catchpole and 1 win each in the Norton, Millennium and ND4’s. Cup draws have seen us face or about to face several clubs from “up North”, Bungay, Beccles Lowestoft Railway & Thurlton so some long trips will be the order of the day. The only team going really well at this stage is the BE Mixed Fours, 4 wins out of 4 for Joyce’s team albeit 3 of those games were at home.
Other matters of interest from the season so far, firstly BE games and refreshments after, other than the Mixed Fours it’s traditional to have some refreshments after these games. In the main it’s a social thing, after all 99% plus of people who play the game do so socially, it may be competitive, but it’s still social, very few people who play make a living out of playing bowls. Part of being sociable is to have a natter with your opposition along with sandwich and drink after the game, it’s a way of getting to know people and make friends. I get annoyed when we hear and I quote from an opposing club “being a Sunday afternoon our away players will be itching to get home” if it’s that much of a trouble why bother to waste your valuable “home time” don’t enter!. How long does it take after the game 30/40 minutes for a quick drink, bite to eat and away, surly that’s not too much to ask to be sociable.
It does not end there now as a club we toddle off to Beccles Town in the Quinton, Sunday afternoon, Beccles can’t provide any refreshments, if their bar is open I bet their club would like us visitors to use it and spend some money with them, it really makes you think why should we. That’s the big grip out of the way and secondly we have to congratulate Ian Page on being selected for his Middleton Cup debut, in all fairness he should have been selected about 15 years ago when he had done his time a reserve only to have an complete outsider put in when a vacancy was available. As for the other members of the Page family Mick’s made his seasonal debut for the SCBA Adams Trophy team, initially covering for the reserve but then playing. Meanwhile Adam Page is now the reserve for the Adams team and is skipping in the under 25’s Reg Wright team, which for someone who rarely skips it’s not easy. Along with those already mentioned we had several more members who had a trial in the Marie Denny and or the full Fed county team trails, congratulations to one and all. I should also mention at this point one of our “old boys” trained by Cali has made the Suffolk BE Balcome Trophy team (Inter county double rinks) which is about as high as you can get for selection with a county, well done Christian. Third on the list is just to mention all our club competition draws have been published and are pinned up in the pavilion. My forth point to mention is a very sad one, Cali member David Griffiths recently passed away after a very long fight against illness, I wish to convey the clubs members condolences to wife June and his family. It has been good to see June still managing a game of bowls in this difficult time. David’s funeral is at Seven Hill’s at noon on the 13th June for anyone wishing to attend. My final item to note is of a much more pleasant nature, after the loss of a few members from last year, through a variety of reasons (only one still playing) it’s always good to have members wishing to join, albeit with plenty of extra paper work for Secretary John, welcome back to both Janet & Ray Paternoster. As we all know both are experienced bowlers and undoubtedly will be an asset to our captains and the club.
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/04 (30th June 2018)
After the last newsletters reporting a run of poor league results for most of our teams things have at least stabilized for the most part. The Samford Afternoon and the Tuesday ‘B’ are still struggling a bit at the bottom of their respective divisions, but the Fed Triples, BE Men’s Triples and Samford Evening are on the up, our Tuesday ‘A’ team have had some very good results and some puzzling losses, but all in all just about still in the race. The Mixed Fours are still going strong winning all games played. Talking matches played, we have had to rearrange some league fixtures (list of known new dates on home page of web site) mostly revolving round the BE Men’s Triples and Tuesday ‘A’ some were requested by our opponents, but some were due to a clashes with the County Competition round dates and a good run in the National Double Fours. From my point of view it’s been a fair old juggling act and a good deal of diplomacy to get everything sorted, just when I thought things were settling down along comes the World Cup latter stages, why do some people think everything should stop for a game of football?. I’m sure it is very important to a few, but then they don’t have to sort out a new date along with all the other changes. The club gets fined and points deducted if we call off, if many think well that’s no big deal then I for one am playing for the wrong club. On the football note on Thursday last we were down to play Hadleigh in the Stan Wright charity team cup, it may not be high on the list of priorities for the club, but all the same we agreed to enter (2 teams), 1 team had already played that’s 12 players accounted for, 5 I know were playing county competitions, 4 working or similar, 3 on holiday or away for weekend, that equals 24 from a total available playing membership of 46, if I’m not mistaken 46 – 24 = 22, up until 24 hours before the game the only way we could get 12 players was if a willing octogenarian lady who has not bowled for 30 months played. Thankfully someone did come forward to help at the eleventh hour, Chris Wiseman’s initial team had 8 call off’s and he was struggling to get anywhere with it, but thanks to a massive amount to effort ringing round etc. on Secretary Johns part we did fulfil the fixture. To those 12 who did play thank you very much, to those 10 who did not, I doubt very much if all of you had a decent reason for not helping! Thankfully it didn’t come to our 80+ year old having to play; regrettably we lost a close game.
Plenty of other matters to mention, the Fed Ladies county comps have reached the Area Finals stage this coming Sunday at Sproughton, our Ladies 2 Bowl Triple of Pam. Debbie A & Ann have reached this stage after a 1 shot win in the Area Semi Final , all the best to them. At the area semi final stage the ladies play on neutral greens for each event rather that a set venue & date for everything, here at Cali we were asked to host 5 such games which is always a good thing and this with the green struggling a bit this year. In common with many the weather has been a greenkeepers nightmare, as reported in a previous newsletter winter jumped a season to summer no spring to speak of, and now no rain for weeks on end allied with baking day time temperatures, those who have knocked our green this year should realise the problems this abnormal weather has posed. Back to the competitions, in the men’s events we have some interest at this stage with some members already through to the Area Semi Finals and some with 1 game to play. In the BE events our last interest is in the relatively new event of Senior Fours (55+) with Brian Green, Chris Love, Steve Allum & Kevin Hall advancing to the Semi Finals, where they now meet Adrian Holden’s Four from F & S, looking at the event as a whole there are a lot of well known excellent bowlers now involved in this event, it’s a strong field!. That involvement apart only Debbie & Steve Allum in the Mixed Pairs managed to get through to the Quarter Finals where they lost a close affair to Lee Calver & Margaret Insley from F & S. Lee has been a pain in the backside to Cali bowlers this year with one of our members Kevin Halls going out to him and his partners in no less than 4 events, but there again he is an exceptional talent.
Undoubtedly the best area to talk about has been the clubs performance in the cup events, yes some losses SCBA senior cup losing at home to Norbridge, having been told “we got stuffed” by more than 1 member I find we lost by 9 and were leading at 17 ends, all I can say if that a stuffing I’ve had hundreds over my bowling career. More disappointing Keith’s junior cup side had been on a good run through to the area final last evening where they met East of England Co-op, very disappointingly they lost by about 10 shots, but at least they lost to a genuine junior cup team not someone who should be in the senior cup as so often is the case. After my previous notes on one of our Stan Wright teams I’m please to say the other team advanced and now play Marlborough. Leaving the BE cup’s to write about, we have been heading North for most events Norton, Quinton, Millennium& National Double Fours all have had games in the northern fringes of Suffolk. We are still involved in all except the ND4’s where we lost to a strong Beccles Town eight by 10 shots and this after wins away at Felixstowe & Suffolk and Marlborough. To compensate this our Bert Edward side has made its customary progression through to the semi finals to play at Framlingham where we meet Felixstowe BC, who I doubt lose no more than a couple of players through intelligibility so it will be tough I imagine. The next encounters in the Quinton is this Sunday v Norbridge at IBC, the Norton v Felixstowe & Suffolk and the Millennium at home to Otley all pretty close to home thankfully. I’ve done a bit of checking, with all of our away journeys in the first 2 months of the season that’s 41away games in all, to date members have travelled 734.2 miles at an average of 17.9 miles round trips to Cali for each game. I appreciate no one has played in all them but it is a lot of mileage, thanks to all the drivers.
My last bit is to say how pleased I was to finally see Ian Page make his Middleton Cup debut and in addition that Shane Wildon has also been selected to play. After 2 close losses and a euphoric 22 – 0 win Suffolk are still in win a chance of progress, but it must be said it’s a slim one v Norfolk. With the SCBA Adams trophy Mick still plays on he must have played in more than half the matches “as a substitute” for various call off’s this season. Whilst I don’t decry Mick ability and drive to still play when asked it does not say much for the standard of the second team (Newton Trophy) or the counties policy on reserves, how a reserve Adam Page who had been told he was playing next week can then be over looked and not played is beyond me. Although not a new thing I can speak from first had experience of the same being done to me some 30 years ago. I’m sure episodes like that will not help Suffolk Fed attract younger bowlers, it wrong and whoever made the decision should be ashamed of themselves.
Thats all folks
Newsletter 2018/05 (3rd August 2018)
As is often the case when I produced my last newsletter on 30th June the season was in full swing, leagues ongoing cups in the middle stages and county comps heading towards the staged days, less than 5 weeks later thoughts are turning to end of season matters, club competitions, cup finals and the last knocking of league games either scheduled or rearranged, it seems a quantum leap. Then I suppose it’s always like that, although I’ve played for 35 odd years and written newsletters for the past 8 years I’m always shocked when I do one at about this time how close the season’s finale is.
What’s happened, sadly all members involvement in the county competitions has come to an end at the semi finals stage, Our last people to remain involved were Stuart Walsh in the SCBA Secretaries Singles and Brian, Chris, Steve & Kevin in the BE Senior 4’s, that was one that we felt got away, one simple mistake at a crucial time had a major effect on the outcome and just shows how important and difficult a skill the of casting the jack where required is, it’s just a just as difficult as the draw within a few inches.
Inevitably there have been some casualties in the cups, having already been knocked out of both Fed “majors” the Senior & Junior, we then lost our second Stan Wright team in slightly controversial circumstances (although we knew better we agreed play to the wrong rules). Then losing the Samford Millennium (1 rink home & 1 away) to Shotley Rose on an away green that even the home club had advised us in advance was shocking, our 1 remaining hope in the fed cups is the Samford KO where we have reached the semi final stage and now play Margaret Catchpole. In the BE world Norbidge dumped us out of the Quinton Bowl, but we are through to the quarter finals in the Millennium Trophy and Norton Cup where we have too very difficult ties verses Ipswich BC away and Felixstowe & Suffolk respectively. Our old favourite the Bert Edwards Fours has reached the final and again we are in it for the 4th straight year, which I would think is a record. Having beaten Ipswich & District last year we now have a chance to defend our title against Borough of Eye at Roundwood on Saturday the 4th August 2.30pm. If the usual pattern is followed Eye will have plenty of noisy support, so to our members why not come along and get noisy as well!.
My league round up is a mixed bag, tonight our Mixed Fours team have a decent chance to qualify for the semi finals with a maximum of 2 points needed from the final match, also in the “in with a good chance bracket” is our 2 bowl ‘A’ team, last evening saw the team play a rearranged game v Norbridge league leaders and only real rival for the title this year. Cali pulled off a stunning 7 – 0 victory which means with 2 games to go (both away) winning the league is in the teams own hands. Oddly this good result was balance by an equally poor 0 – 6 reverse the previous evening verses the very same opposition in the BE Men’s Triples, away this time and yes both teams had some different personnel, but all the same chalk and cheese. Regretfully that result may well KO any chance to be runners up in the division and this qualify for the playoffs. The Samford teams see Jim’s afternoon people struggle in division 1 and Dennis’s Monday evening crew are mid table with a slight chance of promotion from division ‘C’. As good as our 2 bowl ‘A’ side have been our second string have been wildly inconsistent wins at home losses away, still very close at the bottom of division “B” any 2 from 3 to go down. Last week’s loss away at Stone Lodge was on another shocking green by all accounts, the bright side is their last fixture is at home, the down side is it’s against the divisional leaders Bramford. It’s a must win and then hope results fall right, again a bit of good news here, the other 2 teams at the bottom play each other, they both can’t win! That leaves the 3 bowl Fed Triples who are having a solid season, but Westerfield look likely run away champions with Cali as runner up.
As mentioned earlier in this piece some of the greens we have played on have been shocking, I think it’s fair to say our own green has suffered along with all greens around Ipswich. We did have a thunder storm deluge earlier this week, but that apart no rain and definitely none of the nice steady type gardeners like, this coupled with extreme heat 30C plus and hot winds all forms of vegetation have suffered, It’s only been due to the work of Mick that although not as good as we would like and are used to, but it’s far from shocking, well done!.
I opened my newsletter talking about thoughts turning towards the end of season, and that means club competitions. Just a gentle reminder that after next week there is very little left by way of team play, so please try to make an effort to get these played. Finally CHARITY PAIRS IS STILL WAY SHORT OF BOWLERS, IT WILL BE CANCELLED IF ENOUGH DO NOT COME FORWARD, THAT MAY WELL HAVE SOME LONG TERM EFFECTS ON THE BOWLS SECTION, SO PLEASE HELP NOW!
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/06 (26th August 2018)
I’ll start this round up with news of our Charity Pairs Day, after the usual struggle to get enough bowlers, as always the non bowlers were well oversubscribed and in the end we did get the 24 bowlers needed, thanks to all who did make the effort. I appreciate we have had the usual busy season and rearranged games are still ongoing, but even if we had been knocked out of everything everybody would be moaning there are too many game anyway!, so well done to all who played. In the end an even bigger worry was the forecast weather rain yes rain!, but in the end only a few odd drops of precipitation landed on the day and it was pleasantly warm if not sunny, in fact pretty ideal. For those who helped with the food, tea & coffees, BBQ, raffle, running the bowls etc. etc thanks, without your help Ian could not have made the day work. Results & pictures elsewhere on this web site, see “Events” & “Events Galley” tabs, with all the hard work the amount raised was an impressive £678, with the donation split equally between the Chrissian Residential Home & Suffolk County Bowls Association Benevolent Fund.
Since the last newsletter we have been confirmed Ipswich & District Federation Bowls League (2 Bowl) Champions. Sadly our second team were relegated from division 2, despite winning their last game against divisional winners Bramford, only goes to show what could have been possible. Chris’s Fed Triples ended up as league runners up to Westerfield, but after a difficult start to the season they never really got in a position to challenge them. The Samford evening team will remain in division ‘C’ whilst the Afternoonys will go down to division ‘B’ after finding thing a bit tough in the top flight, no matter, I’m sure those who played enjoyed the games and to be fair that’s what it is all about. As for the Samford cup we lost at home to Margaret Catchpole, that said, it was against what was a very strong team for them, yes we play some first teamers but not to that extent.
On the BE front our double loss at Norbridge did as predicted cobbled our chances to pip Ipswich BC ‘A’ for the runners up spot in the Men’s Triples League, losing both home and away late in the season was a killer, but again the real cause was our early season home form 3 home losses to start the season was not good. Ipswich more than matched us on the run in so even 1 win and 1 loss v Norbridge would not have been enough. In the Mixed Fours League we had a few problems knowing the exact league position leading into our last away game at Ipswich BC, but in the end it mattered not, a convincing 5 – 0 win saw us win our section with ease. One special note due to a bit of a “memory fade” by a couple of players we were short of 2 players for this game, 1 reserve available problem!, team captain Joyce had her club shirt etc on, borrows a couple of bowls, had no time to worry and just played for the first time in 3 years since a broken leg stopped the bowling. Well done and if I say so myself you played plenty good enough, had I have not played for that long I think I would most likely fell over when I tried to bowl. We now have played and won convincingly our semi final v Holywells and head to the final against Felixstowe & Suffolk Green who beat off their fellow F&S Blue team in the other semi. With the final league mixed fours win it was a very good weekend for the club when coupled with, our Bert Edwards Four’s team retaining their title and that looking like a defeat for all money (about 15 shots down at 15 ends) untill about the 17th ends when it all turned. I don’t think Borough of Eye could believe that they had lost and Cali that we had won by 12 shots in the end. Then to cap it off a home (15 shots) & away (4 shots) win against Felixstowe & Suffolk in the Norton, whoever F&S put out it’s never easy so a great result, now it’s on to a neutral green semi v Wenhaston (think that’s a first for us) at Framlingham. The only blot was we lost our quarter final 4 – 1 in the BE Millennium to Ipswich BC admittedly away, but IBC were not at full strength, although they still had a useful team out and we did split the singles 1 : 1 and I can hardly ever remember us losing when that position.
Once again it’s sad to report on another former members demise, Dennis Thrower sadly passed away earlier this month, although not being a member for the last few years Dennis will be remembered by several current members and his joining forces with the Late Smudger Smith & Dave Salmon in the County Triples was legendary!, with the trio having some excellent results against strongly favoured opponents.
Now is the time of year for a mass panic about club competitions, as there are no more home fixtures the green is basically free, we have the floodlights so there is no real excuse. Just remember if you are top of the draw keep pushing your opponent to play or if you don’t get any joy speak to Merv our club comps secretary don’t just sit on your hands.
I notice the lists for all next year county competitions along with committee nominations are up in the pavilion, as yet there is very little written on them!
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/07 (14th October 2018)
The dust has settled on yet another season, at the time of writing the last newsletter in late August many things in terms of result had been decided. For us at Cali we still had a couple of big events on the horizon with the semi finals and hopefully final of the BE Norton cup and the Mixed Fours League final. Alas the Norton was not to be Wenhaston easily disposed of us in the semi, surprisingly Borough of Eye just squeaked past Norbridge in the other semi final and then narrowly lost to Wenhaston in the final. As for the Mixed Fours League final v Felixstowe & Suffolk Green, we were struggling for “back end” players due to holidays and the like, F&S amazingly also pleaded player shortages with all of their resources!. In the end the game proved to be a decisive win for F&S and yet again proved it matters little whom F&S have in their team it will be competitive. One thing that did concern me was that with the rule in place that you should have played 3 times in the league before being eligible for the play off’s it’s, OK if you play the full 14 games i.e. 8 team division, but should you end up in a division of only 10 games (6 team division) like us then it’s much harder to get a big pool of people playing the 3 games, perhaps it’s something that should be addressed by the league.
So with the 2 disappointments noted above it left the club competitions ongoing, it appears that most of the matches were organised without too much bother to get down to the finals. It was just as well it was billed as “finals weekend”, in the event all matches were played with a bit of shuffling about on the Saturday as the Sunday turned out to be a complete wash out, thanks to all those who cooperated in these matters and to Comps Secretary Mervyn and all the other helpers for their efforts in getting the events to a conclusion. It was good to see some new names appearing on the finals program, with Trevor Ward & Jim Craig appearing in a 2 and 3 finals respectively and the highlight seeing Andy Newland partner Adam Page to the Fed Pairs title. All the results can be found under the “Club Comps Results” tab on the web site.
Now the seasons long gone much work has been done by Mick and the team on the green, I think in all the years I’ve been helping a bit on the green and that’s at least 20 this year’s weather conditions proved to be the most challenging and our green like many other suffered badly. Hopefully the program of remedial work which has and will continue to take place will see everything back to its best for the start of 2019, but as always so much will hinge on the weather between now and then. Our thanks should go to all who help out at various times with the green, pavilion, surrounds etc. but in particular to Mick Page & Dave Salmon for all the work they undertake. On that note it very sad to note that the afor mentioned Dave has decided this year will have been his last of outdoor bowling, it’s a waste, but apparently his mind is made up. Dave has kindly said as long as he is able he will continue to help with the Green etc; thankyou!
Lastly a reminder or two, the Bowls Club AGM is upcoming on Thursday 22nd November 2018, the paperwork will be sent out early next month. I note as per usual we are short on committee nominations including captains, the list is in the bar please see who’s arm you can twist!. The second reminder is about the annual dinner a week after the AGM, again the list for those wish to attend and their guests is also in the bar.
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/08 (4th December 2018)
AGM season is in full swing just now, what with the club, various leagues & the county. Secretary John has been a busy boy attending these meetings hear there and everywhere, along with several other members of your club committee. As usual you can expect to see the same faces at many of the meetings, lucky enough as a club we do have people who attend, often some clubs have no one who is bothered and you guessed it they are first clubs to moan about any changes.
Turning to our club AGM, Chairman Chris did a round of thanks to various people and congratulated our captains Gary & Steve who had the major successors in the past year, continuing on to say that it was inevitable you do get problems with about 50 members it’s how we deal with them and sometimes captains rightly push their teams need to the for, but need to be reminded as always the overall club interest must come first. As for the club committee only two changes for the new season to report, with new I&DFBL (2 Bowl ‘A’) and (3 Bowl) captains being elected in Shane Wildon & Maria Brookes respectively. One special moment was when the bowls club conferred life membership on David Salmon in recognition of all he had done for the club.
The AGM was closely followed by the annual dinner, with an all but full house, Ian and the team did an excellent job. From several comments I’ve heard the 2018 vintage was one of the best dinners in recent memory, our entertainment ”Chelsea Francis” was just right for the occasion and our guest singer Tammy Wynette with “her” version of “Stand By Your Man” brought the house down. All in all I believe an excellent evening appeared to be had by all. Immediate Past President of SCBA Trevor Lord proposed the toast to the club and helped with the presentation of our club competition prizes and sponsors awards. It was very nice to see that all the events being sponsored this year thanks to one and all. The highlights of the presentations being the Fed Pairs win by Andy Newland ably assisted by Adam Page, with our “Member of the Year” award going to an astonished David Salmon and the “Player of the Year” award to Steve Allum. (Pictures of the evening will follow shortly on the web site).
With these two events in our calendar now complete for another year, all that remains is to wish all Cali bowlers and their families an excellent festive season, followed by good health and bowling in 2019
It’s the time of year when thoughts turn to the next bowling seasons fixtures, this year I have had several “home” match clashes to sort out, as we all know 2 teams at home just don’t fit on Cali. Sorting out with clubs is slow process sometimes, most opposition clubs are helpful and I should have everything unravelled shortly. When completed I will be able to publish a provisional fixture list on our website. Talking of which, just a day or so ago I gave the site its yearly general update, contact info, committee members, etc. and some provisional important dates for your diary
Over the winter our green has recovered very well from the rigors of last season, Mick is please with how it looks for the time of year and he should be rightly proud of its condition. Some general maintenance has been undertaken around the green & pavilion over the winter and we must be thankful for not only Mick’s input, but Dave Salmon as well. We had the usual fence panel issues after one especially strong winter storm, but this is also in the process of being sorted. We could do with a few more advertising boards round the green, so come on speak to the boss or perhaps you are the boss, see what can be done for a few pounds, if anyone could help out please speak to Secretary John.
Later in February all members will get their annual pre season letter, packed with info, a club competition entry form and a list of what you owe by way of subscription & county competition fees, you are reminded these are due by 31st March.
We have our fund raising quiz coming up on 25th March at 7.30pm, as always I would urge members to come along and support the event, teams can be 4 – 6 members and guests can mix and match, questions vary in difficulty, there is something for everyone it’s just a fun evening. A entry list will be displayed in the social club shortly, so come on let us have a bumper turn out of members and bring plenty of guests along!!.
Sadly the final part of this newsletter concerns one member who was with us last year and one well known former member, who have passed away since my last scribbling. Firstly Colin Ambrose who had been an enthusiastic member for several seasons having taken up bowls later in life and secondly Ginger Catchpole, whom many long term members will have known from the late 70’s right through to 2007. Ginger was character and well known in bowling circles, he was a valued member of the club and also represented Suffolk for a time. Winning a county title (SCBA Triples) in 1986, which was a fore runner to the clubs county success over the next 3 decades. Both will be sadly missed.
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/02 (27th April 2018)
Is it my imagination or did winter move to summer missing spring and then on to autumn all in between the 15th and 26th of April, weathers go mad! All that said we did have excellent weather for our opening day Triples and although a bit chilly also for the A v B game. Opening day saw 27 play in the Triples which is about the norm, although many more did collect their paperwork, so all in all a decent start to the season, as for the A v B, 26 participated in the bowling and about 30 enjoyed the hot refreshments which were provided, thanks to Margaret, Di & Joyce. Over the 2 events our 2 new members both played so welcome Barry Welham & Colin Girling, trust you enjoy your bowls at the Cali.
We now move on to the hectic start to the league & cup program, one issue to sort was that Mal Walker who had offered to captain both Samford evening & afternoon teams has decide not to play, so 2 captains were needed to be found. I was more than gratefully that the 2 members I approached both accepted without any twisting of arms, bribes or threats. Dennis Addison & Jim Craig agreed to look after the Samford Monday Evening and Afternoon teams respectively, we wish them luck.
This year’s draws in the major cups has been none to kind, away in all bar the Norton which is played home & away anyway v Hadleigh, and the aways trips are tough ones with visits to Stone Lodge, Ipswich & Dist, Beccles, Bungay, Felixstowe & Suffolk and Roundwood. We have fixed one Stan Wright v Hadleigh (24th June), but the other v Ipswich Hospitals is still to be sorted, that leaves the 2 Samford cups where we meet Bealings (KO Cup) & Shotley Rose (Millennium).
Just a reminder to all concerned all Ipswich Fed league games start at 6.45pm, don’t let anybody try to tell you otherwise it’s defiantly not 6.30pm! Bowls England League and Fed Cups games are 6.30pm start. It’s always a source of annoyance, you’ve struggles to make it from work for 6.45pm, you walk in 6.40pm and some plonker shouts “your late!” don’t let that plonker be you!
Club Directory’s, a couple of changes requested by our opposition to report, which occurred after the handbook went to print. As follows :- (i) Mixed Fours League California will now be at home to Ipswich & District BC on 25th May with the return away at Ipswich & District on 13th July, i.e. a straight swap home for away, change requested by I&D
(ii). Stan Wright ‘A’ v Hadleigh was arranged for Sunday 24th June, but at their request changed to Thursday 28th June at 6.30pm, still 2 rinks home & 2 away.
Lastly thanks as usual to Mick for the excellent state of our green considering the very harsh winter we had, in addition thanks to Sammo for all his work and to Joyce Love, Andy Newland & Ray Whitman for their help. Again as members we should not under estimate the work theses people do along with the group to members who have again agreed to be on our work rota, which is a great help in keeping the place spick and span
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/03 (6th June 2018)
Having opened our green with the usual club Triples, we then held the ‘A’ v ‘B’ with a good turn out on a cool evening, but with hot food provided by Di, Margaret & Joyce so it was not all bad for those who attended. On sad note to report after that evening a long serving member in Billy Catchpole, played but decided the next morning to call it a day as far as bowls is concerned. Billy said he suffered overnight and in the morning for his efforts the previous evening, too many parts ached!, it was just not worth it. Sadly it’s just another link with the clubs past not bowling any more, all the best to Bill from the Cali members.
The following week saw the start of league play, the weather was foul, 2 games rained off, but they both could have easily been “frozen off”, the wind was in the North to East quadrant and that basically where it’s been ever since, so apart from a few days you know the evenings will be cold. In addition there have been some very heavy showers about, but for most part they have avoided California, this just adds to the problems with the green. If the green is too dry and there is no way you can carry out essential scarifying work, this has lead to the green being heavier than is the norm for Cali. This in turn has lead in part to a very poor home record, it was the 22nd of May when a team other than the Mixed Fours (2 wins) won at home which was the 12th attempt. Thankfully since then matters have improved, contrary to this the away form of Gary’s ‘A’ team has been special, with wins at Norbridge, Marlborough in the league and Stone Lodge in the Senior Cup where we now meet Norbridge at home, let’s hope the upturn in home form continues!. Chris’s Fed Triples & Keith ‘B’ teams have had some decent results, especially in the Junior Cup, with wins at Ipswich & District and a very good home win v Norbridge, where we now meet Sproughton, a club whom we have already “turned over” in the league and a win here would see us through into the Area final. Both Samford teams thus far have struggled, Jim’s Samford afternoon crew have had some difficult away fixtures at Felixstowe & Walton and “on the plastic” at Felixstowe, whilst Dennis’s Monday evening team have also had some tough games. Turning to BE matters our Men’s league team lost their first 3 games all at home (unheard of), but a couple of wins of late have somewhat improved matters, but we can’t afford many more slip ups if we are to get into the top 2 places to qualify for the semi finals, thankfully in the cups it’s been a better story. 100% cup victories, 2 in the BEF see us into the quarter finals where we meet Felixstowe & Suffolk at Margaret Catchpole and 1 win each in the Norton, Millennium and ND4’s. Cup draws have seen us face or about to face several clubs from “up North”, Bungay, Beccles Lowestoft Railway & Thurlton so some long trips will be the order of the day. The only team going really well at this stage is the BE Mixed Fours, 4 wins out of 4 for Joyce’s team albeit 3 of those games were at home.
Other matters of interest from the season so far, firstly BE games and refreshments after, other than the Mixed Fours it’s traditional to have some refreshments after these games. In the main it’s a social thing, after all 99% plus of people who play the game do so socially, it may be competitive, but it’s still social, very few people who play make a living out of playing bowls. Part of being sociable is to have a natter with your opposition along with sandwich and drink after the game, it’s a way of getting to know people and make friends. I get annoyed when we hear and I quote from an opposing club “being a Sunday afternoon our away players will be itching to get home” if it’s that much of a trouble why bother to waste your valuable “home time” don’t enter!. How long does it take after the game 30/40 minutes for a quick drink, bite to eat and away, surly that’s not too much to ask to be sociable.
It does not end there now as a club we toddle off to Beccles Town in the Quinton, Sunday afternoon, Beccles can’t provide any refreshments, if their bar is open I bet their club would like us visitors to use it and spend some money with them, it really makes you think why should we. That’s the big grip out of the way and secondly we have to congratulate Ian Page on being selected for his Middleton Cup debut, in all fairness he should have been selected about 15 years ago when he had done his time a reserve only to have an complete outsider put in when a vacancy was available. As for the other members of the Page family Mick’s made his seasonal debut for the SCBA Adams Trophy team, initially covering for the reserve but then playing. Meanwhile Adam Page is now the reserve for the Adams team and is skipping in the under 25’s Reg Wright team, which for someone who rarely skips it’s not easy. Along with those already mentioned we had several more members who had a trial in the Marie Denny and or the full Fed county team trails, congratulations to one and all. I should also mention at this point one of our “old boys” trained by Cali has made the Suffolk BE Balcome Trophy team (Inter county double rinks) which is about as high as you can get for selection with a county, well done Christian. Third on the list is just to mention all our club competition draws have been published and are pinned up in the pavilion. My forth point to mention is a very sad one, Cali member David Griffiths recently passed away after a very long fight against illness, I wish to convey the clubs members condolences to wife June and his family. It has been good to see June still managing a game of bowls in this difficult time. David’s funeral is at Seven Hill’s at noon on the 13th June for anyone wishing to attend. My final item to note is of a much more pleasant nature, after the loss of a few members from last year, through a variety of reasons (only one still playing) it’s always good to have members wishing to join, albeit with plenty of extra paper work for Secretary John, welcome back to both Janet & Ray Paternoster. As we all know both are experienced bowlers and undoubtedly will be an asset to our captains and the club.
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/04 (30th June 2018)
After the last newsletters reporting a run of poor league results for most of our teams things have at least stabilized for the most part. The Samford Afternoon and the Tuesday ‘B’ are still struggling a bit at the bottom of their respective divisions, but the Fed Triples, BE Men’s Triples and Samford Evening are on the up, our Tuesday ‘A’ team have had some very good results and some puzzling losses, but all in all just about still in the race. The Mixed Fours are still going strong winning all games played. Talking matches played, we have had to rearrange some league fixtures (list of known new dates on home page of web site) mostly revolving round the BE Men’s Triples and Tuesday ‘A’ some were requested by our opponents, but some were due to a clashes with the County Competition round dates and a good run in the National Double Fours. From my point of view it’s been a fair old juggling act and a good deal of diplomacy to get everything sorted, just when I thought things were settling down along comes the World Cup latter stages, why do some people think everything should stop for a game of football?. I’m sure it is very important to a few, but then they don’t have to sort out a new date along with all the other changes. The club gets fined and points deducted if we call off, if many think well that’s no big deal then I for one am playing for the wrong club. On the football note on Thursday last we were down to play Hadleigh in the Stan Wright charity team cup, it may not be high on the list of priorities for the club, but all the same we agreed to enter (2 teams), 1 team had already played that’s 12 players accounted for, 5 I know were playing county competitions, 4 working or similar, 3 on holiday or away for weekend, that equals 24 from a total available playing membership of 46, if I’m not mistaken 46 – 24 = 22, up until 24 hours before the game the only way we could get 12 players was if a willing octogenarian lady who has not bowled for 30 months played. Thankfully someone did come forward to help at the eleventh hour, Chris Wiseman’s initial team had 8 call off’s and he was struggling to get anywhere with it, but thanks to a massive amount to effort ringing round etc. on Secretary Johns part we did fulfil the fixture. To those 12 who did play thank you very much, to those 10 who did not, I doubt very much if all of you had a decent reason for not helping! Thankfully it didn’t come to our 80+ year old having to play; regrettably we lost a close game.
Plenty of other matters to mention, the Fed Ladies county comps have reached the Area Finals stage this coming Sunday at Sproughton, our Ladies 2 Bowl Triple of Pam. Debbie A & Ann have reached this stage after a 1 shot win in the Area Semi Final , all the best to them. At the area semi final stage the ladies play on neutral greens for each event rather that a set venue & date for everything, here at Cali we were asked to host 5 such games which is always a good thing and this with the green struggling a bit this year. In common with many the weather has been a greenkeepers nightmare, as reported in a previous newsletter winter jumped a season to summer no spring to speak of, and now no rain for weeks on end allied with baking day time temperatures, those who have knocked our green this year should realise the problems this abnormal weather has posed. Back to the competitions, in the men’s events we have some interest at this stage with some members already through to the Area Semi Finals and some with 1 game to play. In the BE events our last interest is in the relatively new event of Senior Fours (55+) with Brian Green, Chris Love, Steve Allum & Kevin Hall advancing to the Semi Finals, where they now meet Adrian Holden’s Four from F & S, looking at the event as a whole there are a lot of well known excellent bowlers now involved in this event, it’s a strong field!. That involvement apart only Debbie & Steve Allum in the Mixed Pairs managed to get through to the Quarter Finals where they lost a close affair to Lee Calver & Margaret Insley from F & S. Lee has been a pain in the backside to Cali bowlers this year with one of our members Kevin Halls going out to him and his partners in no less than 4 events, but there again he is an exceptional talent.
Undoubtedly the best area to talk about has been the clubs performance in the cup events, yes some losses SCBA senior cup losing at home to Norbridge, having been told “we got stuffed” by more than 1 member I find we lost by 9 and were leading at 17 ends, all I can say if that a stuffing I’ve had hundreds over my bowling career. More disappointing Keith’s junior cup side had been on a good run through to the area final last evening where they met East of England Co-op, very disappointingly they lost by about 10 shots, but at least they lost to a genuine junior cup team not someone who should be in the senior cup as so often is the case. After my previous notes on one of our Stan Wright teams I’m please to say the other team advanced and now play Marlborough. Leaving the BE cup’s to write about, we have been heading North for most events Norton, Quinton, Millennium& National Double Fours all have had games in the northern fringes of Suffolk. We are still involved in all except the ND4’s where we lost to a strong Beccles Town eight by 10 shots and this after wins away at Felixstowe & Suffolk and Marlborough. To compensate this our Bert Edward side has made its customary progression through to the semi finals to play at Framlingham where we meet Felixstowe BC, who I doubt lose no more than a couple of players through intelligibility so it will be tough I imagine. The next encounters in the Quinton is this Sunday v Norbridge at IBC, the Norton v Felixstowe & Suffolk and the Millennium at home to Otley all pretty close to home thankfully. I’ve done a bit of checking, with all of our away journeys in the first 2 months of the season that’s 41away games in all, to date members have travelled 734.2 miles at an average of 17.9 miles round trips to Cali for each game. I appreciate no one has played in all them but it is a lot of mileage, thanks to all the drivers.
My last bit is to say how pleased I was to finally see Ian Page make his Middleton Cup debut and in addition that Shane Wildon has also been selected to play. After 2 close losses and a euphoric 22 – 0 win Suffolk are still in win a chance of progress, but it must be said it’s a slim one v Norfolk. With the SCBA Adams trophy Mick still plays on he must have played in more than half the matches “as a substitute” for various call off’s this season. Whilst I don’t decry Mick ability and drive to still play when asked it does not say much for the standard of the second team (Newton Trophy) or the counties policy on reserves, how a reserve Adam Page who had been told he was playing next week can then be over looked and not played is beyond me. Although not a new thing I can speak from first had experience of the same being done to me some 30 years ago. I’m sure episodes like that will not help Suffolk Fed attract younger bowlers, it wrong and whoever made the decision should be ashamed of themselves.
Thats all folks
Newsletter 2018/05 (3rd August 2018)
As is often the case when I produced my last newsletter on 30th June the season was in full swing, leagues ongoing cups in the middle stages and county comps heading towards the staged days, less than 5 weeks later thoughts are turning to end of season matters, club competitions, cup finals and the last knocking of league games either scheduled or rearranged, it seems a quantum leap. Then I suppose it’s always like that, although I’ve played for 35 odd years and written newsletters for the past 8 years I’m always shocked when I do one at about this time how close the season’s finale is.
What’s happened, sadly all members involvement in the county competitions has come to an end at the semi finals stage, Our last people to remain involved were Stuart Walsh in the SCBA Secretaries Singles and Brian, Chris, Steve & Kevin in the BE Senior 4’s, that was one that we felt got away, one simple mistake at a crucial time had a major effect on the outcome and just shows how important and difficult a skill the of casting the jack where required is, it’s just a just as difficult as the draw within a few inches.
Inevitably there have been some casualties in the cups, having already been knocked out of both Fed “majors” the Senior & Junior, we then lost our second Stan Wright team in slightly controversial circumstances (although we knew better we agreed play to the wrong rules). Then losing the Samford Millennium (1 rink home & 1 away) to Shotley Rose on an away green that even the home club had advised us in advance was shocking, our 1 remaining hope in the fed cups is the Samford KO where we have reached the semi final stage and now play Margaret Catchpole. In the BE world Norbidge dumped us out of the Quinton Bowl, but we are through to the quarter finals in the Millennium Trophy and Norton Cup where we have too very difficult ties verses Ipswich BC away and Felixstowe & Suffolk respectively. Our old favourite the Bert Edwards Fours has reached the final and again we are in it for the 4th straight year, which I would think is a record. Having beaten Ipswich & District last year we now have a chance to defend our title against Borough of Eye at Roundwood on Saturday the 4th August 2.30pm. If the usual pattern is followed Eye will have plenty of noisy support, so to our members why not come along and get noisy as well!.
My league round up is a mixed bag, tonight our Mixed Fours team have a decent chance to qualify for the semi finals with a maximum of 2 points needed from the final match, also in the “in with a good chance bracket” is our 2 bowl ‘A’ team, last evening saw the team play a rearranged game v Norbridge league leaders and only real rival for the title this year. Cali pulled off a stunning 7 – 0 victory which means with 2 games to go (both away) winning the league is in the teams own hands. Oddly this good result was balance by an equally poor 0 – 6 reverse the previous evening verses the very same opposition in the BE Men’s Triples, away this time and yes both teams had some different personnel, but all the same chalk and cheese. Regretfully that result may well KO any chance to be runners up in the division and this qualify for the playoffs. The Samford teams see Jim’s afternoon people struggle in division 1 and Dennis’s Monday evening crew are mid table with a slight chance of promotion from division ‘C’. As good as our 2 bowl ‘A’ side have been our second string have been wildly inconsistent wins at home losses away, still very close at the bottom of division “B” any 2 from 3 to go down. Last week’s loss away at Stone Lodge was on another shocking green by all accounts, the bright side is their last fixture is at home, the down side is it’s against the divisional leaders Bramford. It’s a must win and then hope results fall right, again a bit of good news here, the other 2 teams at the bottom play each other, they both can’t win! That leaves the 3 bowl Fed Triples who are having a solid season, but Westerfield look likely run away champions with Cali as runner up.
As mentioned earlier in this piece some of the greens we have played on have been shocking, I think it’s fair to say our own green has suffered along with all greens around Ipswich. We did have a thunder storm deluge earlier this week, but that apart no rain and definitely none of the nice steady type gardeners like, this coupled with extreme heat 30C plus and hot winds all forms of vegetation have suffered, It’s only been due to the work of Mick that although not as good as we would like and are used to, but it’s far from shocking, well done!.
I opened my newsletter talking about thoughts turning towards the end of season, and that means club competitions. Just a gentle reminder that after next week there is very little left by way of team play, so please try to make an effort to get these played. Finally CHARITY PAIRS IS STILL WAY SHORT OF BOWLERS, IT WILL BE CANCELLED IF ENOUGH DO NOT COME FORWARD, THAT MAY WELL HAVE SOME LONG TERM EFFECTS ON THE BOWLS SECTION, SO PLEASE HELP NOW!
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/06 (26th August 2018)
I’ll start this round up with news of our Charity Pairs Day, after the usual struggle to get enough bowlers, as always the non bowlers were well oversubscribed and in the end we did get the 24 bowlers needed, thanks to all who did make the effort. I appreciate we have had the usual busy season and rearranged games are still ongoing, but even if we had been knocked out of everything everybody would be moaning there are too many game anyway!, so well done to all who played. In the end an even bigger worry was the forecast weather rain yes rain!, but in the end only a few odd drops of precipitation landed on the day and it was pleasantly warm if not sunny, in fact pretty ideal. For those who helped with the food, tea & coffees, BBQ, raffle, running the bowls etc. etc thanks, without your help Ian could not have made the day work. Results & pictures elsewhere on this web site, see “Events” & “Events Galley” tabs, with all the hard work the amount raised was an impressive £678, with the donation split equally between the Chrissian Residential Home & Suffolk County Bowls Association Benevolent Fund.
Since the last newsletter we have been confirmed Ipswich & District Federation Bowls League (2 Bowl) Champions. Sadly our second team were relegated from division 2, despite winning their last game against divisional winners Bramford, only goes to show what could have been possible. Chris’s Fed Triples ended up as league runners up to Westerfield, but after a difficult start to the season they never really got in a position to challenge them. The Samford evening team will remain in division ‘C’ whilst the Afternoonys will go down to division ‘B’ after finding thing a bit tough in the top flight, no matter, I’m sure those who played enjoyed the games and to be fair that’s what it is all about. As for the Samford cup we lost at home to Margaret Catchpole, that said, it was against what was a very strong team for them, yes we play some first teamers but not to that extent.
On the BE front our double loss at Norbridge did as predicted cobbled our chances to pip Ipswich BC ‘A’ for the runners up spot in the Men’s Triples League, losing both home and away late in the season was a killer, but again the real cause was our early season home form 3 home losses to start the season was not good. Ipswich more than matched us on the run in so even 1 win and 1 loss v Norbridge would not have been enough. In the Mixed Fours League we had a few problems knowing the exact league position leading into our last away game at Ipswich BC, but in the end it mattered not, a convincing 5 – 0 win saw us win our section with ease. One special note due to a bit of a “memory fade” by a couple of players we were short of 2 players for this game, 1 reserve available problem!, team captain Joyce had her club shirt etc on, borrows a couple of bowls, had no time to worry and just played for the first time in 3 years since a broken leg stopped the bowling. Well done and if I say so myself you played plenty good enough, had I have not played for that long I think I would most likely fell over when I tried to bowl. We now have played and won convincingly our semi final v Holywells and head to the final against Felixstowe & Suffolk Green who beat off their fellow F&S Blue team in the other semi. With the final league mixed fours win it was a very good weekend for the club when coupled with, our Bert Edwards Four’s team retaining their title and that looking like a defeat for all money (about 15 shots down at 15 ends) untill about the 17th ends when it all turned. I don’t think Borough of Eye could believe that they had lost and Cali that we had won by 12 shots in the end. Then to cap it off a home (15 shots) & away (4 shots) win against Felixstowe & Suffolk in the Norton, whoever F&S put out it’s never easy so a great result, now it’s on to a neutral green semi v Wenhaston (think that’s a first for us) at Framlingham. The only blot was we lost our quarter final 4 – 1 in the BE Millennium to Ipswich BC admittedly away, but IBC were not at full strength, although they still had a useful team out and we did split the singles 1 : 1 and I can hardly ever remember us losing when that position.
Once again it’s sad to report on another former members demise, Dennis Thrower sadly passed away earlier this month, although not being a member for the last few years Dennis will be remembered by several current members and his joining forces with the Late Smudger Smith & Dave Salmon in the County Triples was legendary!, with the trio having some excellent results against strongly favoured opponents.
Now is the time of year for a mass panic about club competitions, as there are no more home fixtures the green is basically free, we have the floodlights so there is no real excuse. Just remember if you are top of the draw keep pushing your opponent to play or if you don’t get any joy speak to Merv our club comps secretary don’t just sit on your hands.
I notice the lists for all next year county competitions along with committee nominations are up in the pavilion, as yet there is very little written on them!
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/07 (14th October 2018)
The dust has settled on yet another season, at the time of writing the last newsletter in late August many things in terms of result had been decided. For us at Cali we still had a couple of big events on the horizon with the semi finals and hopefully final of the BE Norton cup and the Mixed Fours League final. Alas the Norton was not to be Wenhaston easily disposed of us in the semi, surprisingly Borough of Eye just squeaked past Norbridge in the other semi final and then narrowly lost to Wenhaston in the final. As for the Mixed Fours League final v Felixstowe & Suffolk Green, we were struggling for “back end” players due to holidays and the like, F&S amazingly also pleaded player shortages with all of their resources!. In the end the game proved to be a decisive win for F&S and yet again proved it matters little whom F&S have in their team it will be competitive. One thing that did concern me was that with the rule in place that you should have played 3 times in the league before being eligible for the play off’s it’s, OK if you play the full 14 games i.e. 8 team division, but should you end up in a division of only 10 games (6 team division) like us then it’s much harder to get a big pool of people playing the 3 games, perhaps it’s something that should be addressed by the league.
So with the 2 disappointments noted above it left the club competitions ongoing, it appears that most of the matches were organised without too much bother to get down to the finals. It was just as well it was billed as “finals weekend”, in the event all matches were played with a bit of shuffling about on the Saturday as the Sunday turned out to be a complete wash out, thanks to all those who cooperated in these matters and to Comps Secretary Mervyn and all the other helpers for their efforts in getting the events to a conclusion. It was good to see some new names appearing on the finals program, with Trevor Ward & Jim Craig appearing in a 2 and 3 finals respectively and the highlight seeing Andy Newland partner Adam Page to the Fed Pairs title. All the results can be found under the “Club Comps Results” tab on the web site.
Now the seasons long gone much work has been done by Mick and the team on the green, I think in all the years I’ve been helping a bit on the green and that’s at least 20 this year’s weather conditions proved to be the most challenging and our green like many other suffered badly. Hopefully the program of remedial work which has and will continue to take place will see everything back to its best for the start of 2019, but as always so much will hinge on the weather between now and then. Our thanks should go to all who help out at various times with the green, pavilion, surrounds etc. but in particular to Mick Page & Dave Salmon for all the work they undertake. On that note it very sad to note that the afor mentioned Dave has decided this year will have been his last of outdoor bowling, it’s a waste, but apparently his mind is made up. Dave has kindly said as long as he is able he will continue to help with the Green etc; thankyou!
Lastly a reminder or two, the Bowls Club AGM is upcoming on Thursday 22nd November 2018, the paperwork will be sent out early next month. I note as per usual we are short on committee nominations including captains, the list is in the bar please see who’s arm you can twist!. The second reminder is about the annual dinner a week after the AGM, again the list for those wish to attend and their guests is also in the bar.
That’s all folk’s
Newsletter 2018/08 (4th December 2018)
AGM season is in full swing just now, what with the club, various leagues & the county. Secretary John has been a busy boy attending these meetings hear there and everywhere, along with several other members of your club committee. As usual you can expect to see the same faces at many of the meetings, lucky enough as a club we do have people who attend, often some clubs have no one who is bothered and you guessed it they are first clubs to moan about any changes.
Turning to our club AGM, Chairman Chris did a round of thanks to various people and congratulated our captains Gary & Steve who had the major successors in the past year, continuing on to say that it was inevitable you do get problems with about 50 members it’s how we deal with them and sometimes captains rightly push their teams need to the for, but need to be reminded as always the overall club interest must come first. As for the club committee only two changes for the new season to report, with new I&DFBL (2 Bowl ‘A’) and (3 Bowl) captains being elected in Shane Wildon & Maria Brookes respectively. One special moment was when the bowls club conferred life membership on David Salmon in recognition of all he had done for the club.
The AGM was closely followed by the annual dinner, with an all but full house, Ian and the team did an excellent job. From several comments I’ve heard the 2018 vintage was one of the best dinners in recent memory, our entertainment ”Chelsea Francis” was just right for the occasion and our guest singer Tammy Wynette with “her” version of “Stand By Your Man” brought the house down. All in all I believe an excellent evening appeared to be had by all. Immediate Past President of SCBA Trevor Lord proposed the toast to the club and helped with the presentation of our club competition prizes and sponsors awards. It was very nice to see that all the events being sponsored this year thanks to one and all. The highlights of the presentations being the Fed Pairs win by Andy Newland ably assisted by Adam Page, with our “Member of the Year” award going to an astonished David Salmon and the “Player of the Year” award to Steve Allum. (Pictures of the evening will follow shortly on the web site).
With these two events in our calendar now complete for another year, all that remains is to wish all Cali bowlers and their families an excellent festive season, followed by good health and bowling in 2019